Alcantara Adventures
Winery Tours

Jeep, Horseback & Winery Tours in Camp Verde

Get ready for an unforgettable Jeep tour of the amazing scenery of Verde Valley in central Arizona!
Have fun on the custom trails built around the Alcantara property, where you will learn about the area’s history, plant life, and geology. Then finish your trip with a great wine tasting and cheese plate with Alcantara’s knowledgeable wine experts.
Explore one of Arizona’s hidden gems, Alcantara Vineyard with an experienced guide.
Start off on a beautiful Jeep tour, crossing the Verde River and taking shade under the sycamore trees. Then end with a real western horseback ride, where your wrangler will show you the ropes of riding a horse. Enjoy 70 mile panoramic views as you ride at the foothills of Mingus Mountain.
Combine the fun of a float trip down the Verde River with a yummy wine tasting at the Alcantara Vineyards!